Sputum, also known as phlegm, is mucus
and cells from the airway lining, cellular debris, bacteria, or other material
coughed up from the respiratory tract through the mouth in a productive
cough. Normal sputum is white.
If a person is producing sputum, make sure he has a container with
a lid into which he can spit. The mug should be kept near to the
person and a box of tissue paper together with a bag to put the used tissues.
It is important to note the time when most of the expectoration occurs;
whether it is produced at all times, just on rising from bed, or after
a meal or after exertion.
Types of Sputum and Indications
When you observe sputum, check the colour, consistency (frothy, watery,
tenacious, thick), and odor:
Red may
indicate the present of blood (hemoptysis). This is associated with
a variety of pathologies.
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(pus, yellow or greenish sputum, often copious and thick) denotes an acute
and chronic infection.
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(white or pink-tinged, foamy, thin sputum) is associated with pulmonary
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is typical of anaerobic infection. This is associated with bronchiectasis,
lung abscess, or cystic fibrosis.
If the sputum is discoloured, you should find out if it clears
with coughing. Occasionally yellow sputum produced in the morning may clear
with the second or third cough. You have to determine whether the
amount has recently increased or decreased and be certain that it is associated
with coughing.
Consult your doctor if you are concerned about the sputum, especially
if you notice blood in it (hemoptysis). Describe your observation
to the doctor according to amount, colour, duration, and if the blood is
mixed with sputum. Bloody or blood-tinged sputum require diagnostic test,
such as examination of the sputum specimens, chest x-ray examination, and
scope of the lung (bronchoscopy).
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